According to Google’s timeline, the company will launch its next version of Android, Android 12 (unconfirmed name) this year. Last week, it was reported that Google will be revamping the split screen feature with the new Android version. Now it is said that Google is bringing back a hidden feature with the next Android version we first saw in the Android 11 developer preview. The feature talked about here is the double tap on the back panel, which can be used as a shortcut for things like Google Assistant, take a screenshot, start and stop media and so on.
According to an report In 9to5Google, the Mountain View, California-based company is working to revive the feature, codenamed “Columbus” by Google. When it was spotted in the developer preview, ‘Columbus’ would replace the Active Edge squeeze gesture feature in the Google Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a 5G, and the Google Pixel 5. However, when Android 11 was fully released for Pixel smartphones, the feature was nowhere to be found. According to 9to5Google, Google is working on reviving the double tap feature on Google Pixel smartphones running Android 12.
The report said that unlike the Android 11 Developer Preview feature, which was considered too sensitive, the Android 12 feature is programmed to recognize only ‘firm taps’ on the back. Like other gesture features on Android, the double-tap feature can also be turned off altogether, according to the 9to5Google report.
A similar feature was released last year with Apple’s iOS 14, which Apple calls Back Tap. The shortcut on Apple’s iPhones can be used to take a screenshot, open the Control Center and more.
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